
Saturday 8 February 2014

The Cabbage Soup Diet With A Simple Diet Plan By Dehja Thoras

Lose Atleast 3 Kgs Within A Week By Taking Cabbage Soup....

Yes,weight loss has now become really very easy with the hot n sour cabbage soup diet.All the ladies,gents,teenagers out there no worries any more. This soup diet will help you alot in losing weight as well as it will not let you down for following your diet plan. You will not feel that you haven't eaten something or feel pitty for yourselves that you have been empty stomach for all day.

Now i am going to tell you about this diet in detail with the soup recipe.

In Detail:

This diet is for each n everyone out there cause its not only a cabbage soup diet but along with that its a whole diet plan which i will tell you step wise.Surely, you will have positive results after a week if you will follow it.

The Diet Plan:

[In The Morning]

First of all when you wake up early in the morning (yes,waking up early in the morning is the most important thing for a healthy diet). After you wake up the first work which you are gonna do is that you have to drink atleast 2 or 3 glass of water. At first it seems a bit difficult having 3 glass of water empty stomach but with time you will become use to it. After one hour you will have your coffee or tea without sugar,if you can't have it without sugar use brown sugar instead. But not more than a half tea spoon. You can also have a cup of milk if you aren't a coffee or tea types. After one hour of that take 1 or 2 slices of brown bread with 2,3 tea spoon olive oil on it so that its a bit moist. 
Now suppose you had your breakfast finished till 10 o'clock. You can have an apple around 12 o'clock (Remember that you should drink lots of water during any diet you are following). 

[Lunch time]

At 1 o'clock you will have a medium bowl of cabbage soup.At 3 again another bowl of soup.


 In the evening like at 5 p.m you can have a small bowl of salad or a pear(fruit).


Dinner at sharp 7 p.m a bowl of your cabbage soup,after half an hour have another bowl of soup. 

At 9 p.m have a cup of hot milk without sugar.

So, guys this is my simple and easy diet plan which will surely help you in losing weight. When i heard about this diet it wasn't like this. It was like having 6 bowls of cabbage soup the whole day nothing else. But thats difficult for most of the people because when you don't have something like solid food in your stomach you surely feel more hungry which after somedays makes you to eat even more. So i tried to make it a bit easy as well as a healthy and suitable diet for everyone. Hope you people follow it strictly and have  good results.

The Soup Recipe:


1 medium cabbage 
2 medium size carrots
one capsicum
one green onion 
2 green chillies
3 cloves of garlic
paste of ginger one tea spoon
soya sauce
chilli sauce
white vinegar
salt to taste 
black pepper half tea spoon


Cut the cabbage,capsicum and carrots into small pieces or julienne cut. Chop the green onion,green chillies and garlic cloves.
Now take a saucepan and put 3 tea spoon of olive oil in it add the chopped garlic and ginger paste let it cook for 15 secs put cabbage,carrots,capsicum,green onion and green chillies in the saucepan. Cook it for few secs and then add 5/6 glass of water in it now add salt n pepper. Cook it for about 10 minutes after the vegetables become a bit soft enjoy the soup with soya,chilli and vinegar.
(Remember that its a clear soup,the soup which is without cornflour).

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